Giving Tuesday 2022

Giving Tuesday 2022

Dear Friends of KCA,

During these current times so many untruths are being taught to children in public schools, but the fundamental truths at KCA remain to give hope to our community and children.

The KCA values that you share remain true each school day with God-centered education, Bible classes for each grade level, weekly chapel services, teachers praying with and for our students each day, students praying with and for each other, and excellent education.  

On this Giving Tuesday, we are excited to share with you our latest progress on a permeant home for KCA. Our new building project is currently under construction and Phase I is completely funded! Today we encourage you to make an impact on Christian education in your community with a monthly recurring donation to support the last construction phase.

KCA was founded on the value of community! Now you can make a difference for your community – present and future! 

Ways you can make an impact for our KCA community:

  • Please pray for our school and its continued mission.
  • Please share with others the importance and value of Christian education in our community.
  • Please consider starting this season by giving financially towards our capital campaign.