Today was the last day of the 2022-2023 school year, and what a fun day it was!
The students got to enjoy the sunshine, some sleuthing, and some puzzle-solving at this year’s field day. Then we were all able to enjoy some delicious frozen treats and a time of fellowship before our noon dismissal.
Thank you to all of the parents and volunteers who came out to help us make our field day go so well, and thank you to all of our KCA Board members and staff who steered us through another school year.
The time has come to wish farewell and Godspeed to three of our wonderful teachers. Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Cox, and Mrs. Rees will not be returning to teach at KCA for the 2023-2024 school year.
Instead, Mr. Schaefer will be moving into the 7th Grade teacher position, Mrs. Stephens will be taking over 4th Grade, and we will be welcoming Mrs. Jamie Garcia as our new 6th Grade teacher. Mrs. Jacklyn Thrower will also be joining us as the Art/Enrichment teacher and assistant Music teacher.
Our approach to Physical Education (PE) is also changing. All students will now have a morning PE class and an afternoon recess every day under the tutelage of Mrs. Brittany Bartley. This will open up our Thursdays for a new Technology class to better prepare our students for the future.
We hope all of our KCA families have a wonderful, blessed summer! We look forward to seeing you in the fall!