Dear KCA community,
Please join us in praying for God to guide the board and staff so that His will is done in every decision made for and about KCA. It is the desire of the Board to be as transparent as possible so we wanted to provide an update on how the building project is coming along. We thought all funding was set for Phase 1, but due to an unforeseen circumstance, an expected donation was not able to come in to cover the remaining amount on Phase 1. This has caused a shortfall of $100,000.00 in the funding for Phase 1.
The Board would like to thank all those who have donated so generously both money and time to the building project! It is very exciting to see the progress on the permanent home for KCA. Just a couple of weeks ago we had an army of KCA volunteers show up to help sow the grass seed and spread straw on the building site. It was fun to watch kids literally sow seeds for the future of KCA, a special thank you to all those who were there! What an exciting time to watch what God is doing at KCA! The dirt work for the site is done, the shell of the gym is complete, and the foundation for the entire building has been laid. We have come to the end of construction on phase one and we are now waiting to see the capital campaign raise funds for phase 2. Phase 2 will start when the funds for it are secure. Phase 2 will be the completion of the building project so that we can move in! As we are starting the capital campaign, please be thinking of people who may be interested in being long term partners with KCA. The capital campaign committee is wanting to talk one on one with individuals or groups who want to ensure Christian education will continue in this community. Please join us in praying for the building project for God’s will to be done and for Him to be glorified.
Your KCA School Board