KCA board of directors open meeting minutes
September 17 2019
Members present: Bobby Barker-President, Joe Fugaro-Vice President, Jill Raley-Treasurer, Jesse Pezold-Secretary, Jenny Johnson, Angela Hernandez.
In attendance: Mary Safire-Administrator, Tammy Sweeney
Bobby Barker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with reading Proverbs 22:6 and praying
Joe Fugaro moved to approve the August open meeting minutes, Angela Hernandez 2nds, the motion carried.
Administrator Report:
Parent/Teacher conferences are underway and have been positive and informative. Grandparents day is planned for 9/25 & 9/26. Martin Stukenborg from South Callaway Community Church will preach at chapel on Thursday. School pictures will be 10/1&2. Student Council will sponsor the fall carnival on 10/25 or 10/26.
We currently use Go Guardian as a security system for the Chromebooks for $700/yr, do we want/need to continue with this practice? After some discussion Joe Fugaro moved to keep using Go Guardian, Angela Hernandez 2nds, the motion carried.
Zoe Koelling has been in contact with the office inquiring if KCA would be interested in donating our archery equipment to Lighthouse Prep. After some discussion the decision was made to keep the archery equipment for future usage.
There are repairs that still need to be done to the trailer and there is a list in the office.Mary Safire reported that the case of hand foot and mouth has been cleared up and was isolated to the one child.
Treasurer report:
Jill Raley reported a forecasted end of year balance of $34,274.62 with a current balance of $66,744.83. Discussion was had concerning how scrip account is managed. Tammy Sweeney and Jill Raley will get together to discuss this in further detail. The utility bill for the trailer was $66 for a partial month. In response to a question that had been asked Jill Raley reported that KCA is exempt from paying property tax.
Building committee Report:
A pro and con list was presented for mobile trailers vs. a metal building that would house all classrooms for the school. As well as a discussion as to what the school could afford on a loan payment equal to rent we currently pay less an allowance for utilities. The committee was asked to get a dollar amount it would take to put up a building that would house the school with a gym and without a gym. The committee will work on getting together some numbers. Discussion was had about the prayer time at the property and it was determined that the office and the events committee will organize the prayer time at the property.