Thursday, August 25th
- Prayer Blessing & Ice Cream Social & Movie Night is tonight!! Join us for a groundbreaking prayer at 5:15pm at the building site to bless the land and the building project. You are welcome to park in the 1st Assembly of God parking lot (605 Old Jefferson City Rd, Fulton) and walk to the building site. After that, come enjoy some ice cream and a movie back at the school (Callaway ChristianChurch, 2051 Silver Dr, Fulton) at 6pm.
Friday, August 26th
- 5:30pm Volleyball Game (KCA vs CCA)
- 6:30pm Volleyball Game (KCA vs CCA)
Both games will be held at CCA (300 S Providence Rd, Columbia, MO)
Monday, August 29th
- 4:15pm – 5:30pm Volleyball Practice (held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at Hams Prairie Christian Church, 6300 State Rd Ad, Fulton)
Tuesday, August 30th
- Mum Sales Start (see flyer attached). Flyers and order sheets will be sent home with students on Tuesday.
- Chapel Service at 8:10am in the Sanctuary. Chapel will be led by Bruce Williamson from New Hope Baptist Church.
- 4:15pm – 5:30pm Volleyball Practice
Wednesday, August 31st
- Little Ceasars Hot Lunch
Thursday, September 1st
Friday, September 2nd
Monday, September 5th
- Please be sure to pay your student’s tuition if you have not done so already. You can view your current account activity, last month’s statement, and YTD statement in Gradelink by logging in with your Parent Login and clicking on the Billing Tab on the left side of the screen.
- If you would like to order hot lunch by the day, be sure to turn the money into the office by 8:30am on Wednesday mornings.
- Doors open at 7:30am. We have allowed students to come in early for the last two weeks, but starting Monday, August 29th, the doors will be locked until 7:30am.
- Please note, there are no staff out in the parking lot during drop-off. Therefore, if your child must exit your vehicle on the left hand side, or if you are using a second lane on the left with other vehicles traveling to your right, please get out of your vehicle and escort your child to the building.
- When picking up your child, please place your car tag in the windshield or side window of your vehicle.
- If you arrive at school after 8am, a parent must come into the office to sign the student in.
- If your child is sick, please remember to email the office and your child’s teacher by 9am.
- Please let the office know before 3:45pm if your child will be picked up by someone other than you.
2021-2022 Yearbooks
We still have extra 2021-2022 yearbooks. If you would like one, grab one at the office. They are $17.
Scrip Program
Orders can be placed on the 2nd Thursday of every month starting in October.
Dear KCA Family,
Today we will gather on our property to lift up prayers of praise and supplication to our Heavenly Father for our building project and the groundbreaking that has begun the path to our future.
Prayers of praise will be offered for granting us a benefactor whose generous bequest allowed us to take the first steps toward fulfilling a long-held dream of a permanent home for Kingdom Christian Academy. Prayers of supplication will be lifted up to bring forth faithful believers whose support will enable us to continue this endeavor to completion.
I stand in grateful admiration for the Board of Directors who have shepherded the school for the past several years for stepping out on faith and finally saying yes to forward movement for the building plan. When faith is released, God moves with it!! He is constantly moving in our behalf. We may not know how or what, but be assured God is always up to something! If we believe it, we will receive it. Have faith that God is moving in our direction.
If we lean into Him and ask for His guidance, He will hear us.
“In those days when you pray, I will listen.” (Jeremiah 29:12)
“Call on Me, and I will answer and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3)
Dear Family, join me in fervent prayer that God will move toward us and see that our endeavors are in His will and bless them.
Many blessings,
Mary Safire